The Air room
The Air room is inspired by... the Tramuntana
At the top of a hill and open to the four winds, Pals benefits from the Tramuntana, a strong and cold wind that smooths and turns the sky a clear, pure blue. Its intensity and strength make it a wind with character, one that is unique and recognised throughout the territory.
"It seems I have understood the reason for the obscure, atavistic, admiration that the people of my country feel for this wind. This admiration persists (...) because the temperature of the air the Tramuntana brings is literally an ideal climate: a tonic, vital, kind, prodigiously hygienic and purified climate."
Josep Pla
Anaxímenes (c. 585 - c. 524 BC), a disciple of Anaximander, designated the air as an arkhé. All matter would come from the air through the processes of rarifaction or condensation. Thus, the rarefied air would become fire, whereas, when it condensed, it would become water and subsequently earth. The choice of air as arkhé is no coincidence: air dominates and maintains the unity of the cosmos, just as the soul maintains the unity of the body.